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East Down South Page 4

  Blake pipes up. “Honestly, Coach never asked anything of us when it came to you. You came to a practice when you guys first got here and we noticed how much you’re noticed, and it didn’t sit well with us. We do this because we want to. Like Riley said, you’re ours. You’re family. Don’t get weird on us now.”

  Paul and Simon nod together. “Us too,” they say in unison, which is kinda weird. Simon gives me a fist bump and Paul hugs my head and says, “So shut up now Easton. You are not no one.”

  I laugh at my men and say, “Good. But you are spoiling this girl, and no man will ever live up to any of you. I’ll probably end up alone, running a dog shelter out of my house, since cats are the worst, and I’ll name the dogs after each one of you boys. That’s a compliment of the highest order, in case you’re not down with a dog comparison.”

  “Captains! Get your asses down here, we’re not done yet!” my dad yells from downstairs. The guys all sigh and trudge back down. Blake hangs back for a minute.

  "Hey, Riley and I will both be here to grab you for the party. If something changes with Izzy taking you home, just lemme know.” Blake turns to go but stops himself. “Oh, and…was it my imagination or did you call us gods?” He smiles widely at me.

  I smile back and shrug. “I don’t know. Was it my imagination or did you call me hot?”

  Blake laughs, “Touché. If I don’t see you before we leave, I’ll see you tonight.” Then he runs back downstairs before my dad is able to yell at him again.

  I pull out my phone and text Izzy.

  ME: I’ve got a chariot for tonight. still cool if i’m at your place after? you still taking me to work in the morning?

  Izzy responds quickly. That girl is attached to her phone at all times.

  IZZY: You betcha bitch! See you tonight!

  Chapter 3

  I hear my phone buzz right at nine. It’s a text from Blake.

  BLAKE: Outside.

  I smile knowing they’re nervous about coming in, and getting the possible third degree from my dad.

  ME: Come on in. dad’s playing poker with his pals

  Seconds later, I hear the front door open and Riley and Blake walk in. “Almost done!”

  Blake yells up the stairs, “You look good, promise.”

  I finish putting on my knee high, lace up boots and head towards the stairs. “Okay there, Casanova. You haven’t even seen me yet.” I hit the bottom of the stairs and roll my eyes.

  I walk over to the counter to grab my keys, ID and some cash and turn around to leave when I find the guys appraising me.

  Riley gives me a long whistle. “Nope. Uh uh. Go put on an oversized hoodie or something.”

  I look down at my outfit. I don’t own “sexy clothes” per say, I find them uncomfortable and just…why? So I’m wearing my black skinny jeans, a thin long sleeved red wrap shirt and my knee high lace up boots with the smallest heel I could find. My balance isn’t so great. I tend to look drunk when sober.

  “What? Tell me when we walk in I won’t be the girl wearing the most clothes at the party?” I shoo them towards the door so we can leave. “Let’s go boys. You can lecture me on the way.”

  Blake shakes his head. “Yeah, but, you look like one of the girls at the party we’d hit on. That’s an….uncomfortable feeling for us.”

  I push them out the door. They obviously let me because there’s no way I could budge either one of them if they didn’t actually want to move. I turn around and lock up, and start heading in the direction of the house party.

  “I’m going to believe there’s a compliment laced in there somewhere. And hey, you don’t have to worry about me going home with a football player. However, I hear hockey players are usually up for a good time…”

  Riley puts his hand over my mouth. “If I see you with a hockey player I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you home. No athletes. They’re untrustworthy. Except for us, of course.”

  I snort out a laugh. “Right. Well, I worry more about you two and how many stage five clingers you’re going to be surrounded by tonight.” I link my arms through theirs so they slow down a bit. Their strides are a little long for me. “Remember, I’m always around if you need a save.”

  Blake pats my arm. “We’ll remember that. Just, do me a favor and be extra surly tonight, okay?”

  As we round the corner we can hear the bass from the party and see people littering the lawn. “Fine, fine. I’ll tone down my natural desirability factor.” I laugh at my own joke, but the boys are too busy scoping out the party goers are we make our way up to the porch. They nod at the guy standing by the door and we all move inside.

  I grimace. “Great music. Who knew EDM and The ‘70s greatest hits would flow so naturally together.”

  Riley puts his hand on my shoulder to move me through the party towards the kitchen. People definitely notice us…well notice the guys. I’m an accessory that they find mildly curious. Simon runs over to us, away from a group of players congregated near the beer pong table at the far side of the main room near the french doors leading outside.

  Simon pushes us deeper into the kitchen. “Guys. You remember that stalky red head from last year? Marie or something? Well, she’s here. Consider yourselves warned.”

  Blake scoffs. “I’m not too worried. We’ll just avoid her. She’s pretty easy to spot. East, you want a drink or something?”

  Blake grabs three plastic cups and gets me, Riley and himself whatever cheap beer is in the keg. I take a sip, while they all watch me. It’s not like it’s my first drink, just my first drink with these guys.

  “What? Umm, yum. Guys! Stop! Go, multiply, be fruitful.” I shake my head and frown. “Gross. Sorry.” I shoo them away. “I’m mostly responsible, remember?” I scoot them towards the game of beer pong a few of the guys are playing, and a lot of the girls are watching.

  Paul sees us. “Hey guys! You want next?” He looks down at me and frowns. “Hmm. We probably shouldn’t leave you alone. You look…nice.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m walking away now. Izzy will be here soon. Have fun boys!” I slip into the crowd before they can protest again, and find myself headed towards a corner to wait for Izzy. Parties are fine. I don’t love them, but there are worse places to be. I see a head of long black hair flying in the front door towing a handsome guy with floppy brown hair behind her.

  I know I won’t be heard over the music, so I saunter over to the kitchen where the couple was headed. Once I slip inside, I circle my hands around the girl’s waist, and whisper in her ear, “Hey sexy. Wanna go somewhere and…talk?”

  Izzy turns into me and squeals. “Femme! You look hot. I bet the boys did not like that.”

  I shake my head. “Nope. They asked me to put on a hoodie. Whatever.” I turn towards the guy standing behind Izzy, and hold out my hand to shake his. “Hi, I’m Easton.”

  He takes my hand and gives me a wry smile. “Grant. Izzy has told me a lot about you.”

  Izzy hands Grant a red cup and takes one for herself. I link hands with her and weave her to the other side of the beer pong set-up, and out the french doors where it’s a little quieter. I make sure to wink at Riley so he knows I’m with Izzy and he can calm the hell down. He nods in acknowledgement.

  “Only the awesome stuff, Femme.” Izzy scans the party, “There’s some talent here tonight. Now, in case we get separated, text me, like, a lot so I know where you are. If you wanna jet early, let me know, since I’ve got you tonight.”

  I nod. “Do I still have some work clothes at your house, or do I need to go home first?”

  Izzy waves her hand at me. “Nah, you’re good. Hey, so, I see a guy from my astronomy class. I’m gonna go see if he wants to check out some constellations.” She gives me a wink, a smack on the butt, and heads off in the direction of a tall blonde.

  I’m left alone with Grant who has kept his eyes trained on me. “So, you’re gonna be a senior right? You did study abroad last year
or something?”

  Grant smiles. “Yeah. London. I wanted to get out of here for a bit, and that one didn’t require me learning another language, so it seemed like the right fit. Freshman, right? Izzy loves you by the way, and she doesn’t like a lot of girls. She’s…fickle like that.”

  I laugh out loud. “Yeah, we’re pretty similar in that way. So, what’s your story? What should I know about you, since I have a feeling I’ll be seeing a lot of you.”

  Grant takes a small step towards me. “One can only hope. Before I say this, know I’m not gross, a stalker, some kinda campus killer, or a frat boy, but you’re really pretty. I mean, Izzy explained the Femme thing, so I assumed as much, but, anyway. Sorry, that was weird. And too soon right?”

  I look down for a minute and blush. “I’ll let it slide, but only because you assured me you’re not a frat boy. Not as concerned with the potential campus killer part. I’m pretty feisty. Otherwise, flag on the play.” I chuckle to myself. “Flag on the play. Dear Jesus. Stupid football.”

  Grant moves closer to get out of the way of a couple of drunks stumbling into the backyard to likely have sex in some bushes. “Your dad is the coach or something right? So you spend a lot of time with the players then?”

  “Yeah, he’s the coach. I’m pretty close with some of the guys, so, yeah I guess I spend my fair share of time with them. I feel like you know a lot of things about me. I know nothing about you, besides you’re handsome and you and Izzy have a love/hate relationship.”

  He laughs. “I’m an architecture major. And, yeah, I know, everyone always mentions how they don’t know real life architects, and it’s just something that’s in the movies, but I really am. I love my sister, but you know Izzy. Always some sort of drama. I’m single.” He gives me another piercing look. “You’re, um, unattached right?”

  I smile, having no doubt Izzy has already told him I’m single. Just as I’m about to answer an arm circles my waist from behind me and lifts me into the air.

  “The fuck…?” I turn my head and see Blake.

  “Hey, so, remember when you said you’re around if we need help? Well I’m calling in that favor.” He looks at Grant and reaches out his free hand to shake Grant’s. “I’m Blake. I need to steal her.”

  Grant opens his mouth and just nods. He takes Blake’s hand. “Um, Grant. Right, okay. Well, nice to meet you Easton. I’ll be seeing you around.”

  Blake turns and heads in the other direction so I call over my shoulder, “Yeah, nice to meet you too.” I look at Blake. “What is this about? Can you put me down, please?”

  He sets me on the ground, but doesn’t move his hand from my waist. He stops walking and turns me to face him. “So, here’s the thing. You remember that red head Simon mentioned? Well, if you were worried about stage five clingers, she’s like that but on HGH. I need you to come and play beer pong with me and look like we’re dating. Cool?” He starts moving me towards the beer pong table again, and I see the guys gathered around, and sure enough a red head staring in our direction.

  “Happy to help. Just real quick. This might get complicated, ya know? I mean, people see us together, like, all the time. So, what’s the story for after the party when we’re no longer “dating”?” I lean into him since we have eyes on us, and I need to sell this a little for his red headed stalker friend.

  Blake leans down to whisper in my ear. “Eh, it’ll be fine. Now, let’s go be convincing.”

  I saunter up to the table and look at half of the football team. Riley, Paul and Simon have their hands over their mouths stifling laughter, while the rest of them show both interest and a little confusion. Apparently, Blake didn’t key everyone into this charade.

  I put my game face on, I can definitely sell this for Blake. It’s not like he’s not gorgeous. He’s essentially an American Viking that could be another Hemsworth brother. And, yeah, sure, no one will care that much right? But even as I’m thinking this, I look around the room and see so many pairs of eyes trained on us, I know this might be a little tougher to explain away than Blake thinks.

  Blake moves me in front of him and leans me into his chest. I blush at the awkwardness of this situation but weave my fingers through his anyway. “Okay, ladies first. Riley, care to wager? Usual bet?”

  Riley tosses me the ping pong balls to get the game started. “Oh, I'd love to. You know how much I love women in aprons.”

  Our usual bet is dumb. Whoever loses cooks dinner for whoever wins. The winner gets to pick the meal, but since none of us has any culinary talent, we usually end up just ordering chicken wings and watching an action movie. But other people don’t know that, so saying “usual bet” always piques interest.

  Blake leans down and kisses my temple. I rub my fingers down his cheek and smile. I lean up to whisper in his ear. “So, if you’ll notice, we’re definitely being noticed. Better get that explanation ready.” I kiss his cheek. “And let’s be sure my dad doesn’t hear about this.” I wink at him, and he suddenly looks a little stricken. Yep, didn’t think he really thought this through.

  I’m not much of a drinker, but I have wicked aim. Blake and I make quick work of the game, and Riley and Paul are stuck drinking all of their cups and probably half of ours. Somewhere along the line, little miss red head leaves, so all the guys relax. Riley, Paul and Simon head over to our side of the table. I turn and face them all with my hands on my hips.

  “So. How was that? I think I was pretty convincing. It’s a little sad that’s the most action I’ve gotten in awhile, but hey, for a good cause." I turn to look at Blake. “If I get murdered by red headed stalker, I will haunt you forever.”

  Riley rubs his chin. “East, not gonna lie, that was pretty hot. I’ll remember that for the next party with crazy clingers. But, I mean, you’ll likely never get a date again, since people think you date football players. Sorry?”

  Blake picks me up and twirls me in a circle. He gives me a big smack on the cheek. “Thank you, thank you. I told you, hot girls, never a burden.” He sets me down. “Now, the story is simple. We were friends, went on a date, decided we’d rather be friends.”

  I sigh. “Yeah, okay, but if it was as convincing and hot as Riley says, that won’t hold water. I’m thinking we just tell people you couldn’t satisfy me in bed, so we went back to being friends.” A chorus of laughter erupts among the players. I see Izzy on the dance floor and move towards her. I wave my fingers behind my back, “Toodles boys.”

  “Femme! Where you been? Why is everyone looking at you?” Izzy yells but never stops moving.

  “Um. I think people kinda think I’m dating Blake now. Whatever, longish story. Where’d your brother go?” I scan the area for him but he’s nowhere to be seen.

  “Who knows. I think he took off. Jet lag, maybe? Or, maybe he’s just boring. We haven’t hung for awhile, and I’ve always been more exciting.” Izzy stops dancing and swings her head towards the kitchen. “Hey. Aren’t those the coffee shop douches?”

  I look over and see Wilder and Kyle watching us. I give them a flirty wave, and go back to dancing with Izzy. Wilder’s brow is furrowed and I wonder just how long he’s been watching me. Considering my explanation of why I hang with the football team, he’s probably pretty curious about my relationship with Blake. Not that I owe him an explanation or anything. Not like I’m really going to date him or something. Right?

  “Yeah, they’re actually not as bad as I thought. They’re kinda in charge of my orientation activities, and I spent some time with them yesterday. You might not hate them either. Plus, hey, you seemed to give partial permission when Wilder came back in wanting my name.” I raise my eyebrows at her wanting an explanation.

  “He’s hot, Femme. All guys are douches on some level, so unless he gets all Kanye, then I think you should explore that situation. Just, ya know, don’t let him break your heart.” Then she makes a smashing gesture with her palm and her fist. “Or I’ll break his.”

  I laugh at h
er and we stop talking and keep dancing. After about a half an hour we’re both spent and head towards the door. I text Riley and Blake that I’m taking off with Izzy, and she and I wait outside for our Lyft to pick us up.

  “Well, fancy seeing you here.” A familiar voice says. I turn and see Wilder behind me with Kyle talking to some guy who looks fratty.

  “Can’t say I’m surprised to see YOU here. You did promise to stalk me, so I just assume you’ll pop up wherever I go.” I smile at him and look back over to Izzy.

  “One minute,” she tells me.

  “I thought you don’t date football players? What happened to just being friends? You sure looked pretty cozy.” His eyes narrow, and I know he’s not happy.

  I smirk at him. “Well, sometimes I make exceptions. I mean, if you really want to know what’s going on, why don’t you go back in and ask Blake. I’m sure he’d be happy to enlighten you.” I take a step towards him. “Are you jealous?”

  Wilder tosses his head back and laughs. “No reason to pretend I’m not. I have a feeling there’s more to that story, so I’m not giving up yet.” He nods his head towards the street where our car just pulled up. “See you tomorrow, Easton.”

  I run towards the car and slide in after Izzy. With one last glance towards the party, I see Kyle walk up next to Wilder and he gives us a wave. I shake my head and settle into the seat for the short ride to Izzy’s house.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning Izzy and I head to the coffee shop for the opening shift. I have orientation at three today, so the timing works out perfectly. We walk in and set up the store, debating what the question of the day will be. Since I chose last time we worked together, today it’s all her.