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East Down South Page 3
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“Okay guys. Let’s stick with your current partners, since you seem to be having so much fun together.” He glances our way, “I’m going to give each team a list of items you need to find around campus. When you do, take a picture of yourself or your partner in front of said item, and when you’re done meet me back here. I’m home base for this scavenger hunt. You have two hours. Good luck.” He saunters over to Wilder and me and puts his hand on my shoulder. “Go easy on him ocean eyes. He’s more fragile than he seems.” He squeezes my shoulder and jogs over to the far side of the quad to sit and wait for the group to come back.
“Shall we?” Wilder extends his arm so I can link mine through his, but I brush past him instead. If he’s so hell bent on this eventual date he has planned for us, he’s going to have to work his ass off for it.
“Look, pal, I don’t know what it is about me that you’ve found so interesting, but trust me when I tell you I’m not overly special. I mean yeah, from the outside I appear smart, fun, funny, and according to you and your buddy, quite beautiful if you’re to be believed, but inside, I’m just another emo girl. Dead inside and jaded from listening to all that Evanescence and Green Day, just trying to make my way through this cold world one reality show after another.”
Wilder pauses, then starts walking alongside me again. “Counterpoints. One, pal? Really? While your nickname might be Femme, I don’t believe we’ve actually transported into a movie made in the ‘40s, so I have faith you’ll come up with something better than that. Two. If you truly want to hear the list of reasons I think you’re interesting, you’ll need to agree to that date with me, as that could take awhile to go through. Three. I have a hard time believing that you’re anywhere near dead inside from the fire that burns in your eyes when I challenge you. Jaded, maybe. Mostly, I think you’re exactly what you appear to be, which is indeed funny, smart, fun and charming, even though you do everything you can to seem off-putting with your sarcasm and quick wit. Four. Let’s not pretend Kyle and I are the only two that have ever mentioned that you’re beautiful. If your quarterback boyfriend isn’t telling you that at least once a day, you should reevaluate that relationship, just saying. Lastly, we need to get your musical tastes a little more current that Evanescence, because that’s just horrible. Oh, and I don’t believe you have any desire in watching reality TV. Except maybe to mock it. You seem like a great mocker.”
Now I’m the one who stops walking. I look him in the eyes searching for any indication that he’s being insincere, but there are no traces of deception. As a person who tends to have her guard up nearly all of the time, I’ve gotten quite good at reading people. Either Wilder is a master liar, which hey, maybe, or he means everything he just said. I think I’d prefer the master liar to the sincere, beautiful stranger that seems very earnestly into me. I don’t think I like how accurate his assessment is either. People don’t tend to see more than I want them to.
“Why is it that this is the second time you’ve brought up “my quarterback boyfriend” as you call him. His name is Riley by the way. Which I’m sure you also know if you know he’s the quarterback. Why so fascinated?” I lift my eyebrows at Wilder. If I could lift just one, I’d do that but It’s always been a struggle. I tend to look surprised or impassive as far as my eyebrow game goes.
Wilder shrugs. “I feel like that’s pretty obvious. I’ve asked you out, what like twice now in the last thirty minutes. I allude to you having a quarterback boyfriend because that’s my way of finding out if you have a boyfriend at all. Also, it is interesting if he’s not your boyfriend why you’re hanging all over the quarterback of our very highly ranked football team to begin with. And I’m not even a true football fan. It’s just something you know when you go to a school in Texas, which means, you probably attract your fair share of attention being seen together at all. Come on, woman. I know you’re fishing, you’re smart enough to know what I was trying to do.”
I laugh out loud because, yeah, I knew what he was doing, but I wanted to hear his explanation. “Look, Riley isn’t my boyfriend. Yes, he’s the quarterback of the highly ranked football team my dad coaches. I know all the players. Forty surrogate brothers remember? They like to be around me so people don’t mess with me. You’re right, we attract attention, but that’s the point. People don’t screw with the football players, they’re like gods here. I’m not in it for the popularity or any sort of street cred. They look out for me, that’s all. And they want to know if they’re not around, then most likely people know I’m affiliated with them somehow, so people treat me with a little bit of respect. Not because they respect me necessarily, but they fear the wrath of the team. So, fair warning. If you’re so intent on getting me to go out with you, you’ve got a whole lotta muscle watching you and waiting for you to screw up.”
To his credit, Wilder doesn’t seem ruffled. He actually seems relieved. I start walking again and he follows. “So your dad is the coach huh? Explains a lot, actually. While you don’t seem like the kind of girl that needs looking out for, I have to say I’m glad you’ve got a horde of moderately scary guys looking out for you. Cause no offense, but I believe you probably feel you’re a little invincible, and that’s a dangerous opinion for a lady as tiny as you to have on a college campus.”
For some reason that gets me going. I don’t know if it’s the word tiny or mocking my idea that I don’t need protection, but I whirl on him and poke my finger into his chest. “I am NOT some idiot that thinks bad things don’t happen, and walk around all day thinking goddamn rainbows are always shining in the sky. You’re right, I don’t need looking after, but yeah, it’s nice to know that there are people that care about me and want to have my back. I might have trust issues and keep my number of friends very limited, but I had quite an early education on learning exactly how trusting the wrong people can backfire. And while I might be tiny, which for some reason means my thoughts on being able to handle myself are misguided, I do not need your opinion on the matter.”
I try to turn away but he grabs my finger pointing into his chest and pulls me closer. “Easton. Don’t mistake concern for judgment. If you’re looking for a fight because connecting with new people freaks you out, fine. I’m sure we have plenty to battle about. But not this. Not that. And I think you know that.”
My breath catches since he still hasn’t let go of my wrist, and I realize we’ve spent quite a lot of time talking and zero time actually participating in this scavenger hunt. I shake myself loose from him and slowly turn so he can walk beside me again. He unnerves me, and feeling unnerved and not in control are not things I enjoy feeling.
I clear my throat and change the subject. “So, we should probably start participating in this scavenger hunt. I think we’ve only got an hour left.” Honestly, I have no idea how much time we have left. I’m having a hard time concentrating.
He laughs. “Kitten, Kyle couldn’t care less if we actually participate in any of this. I have a feeling you don’t really either. Since you don’t seem like you love group socialization, I am curious why you’re here, but I won’t push. I just count myself lucky it worked out so well for me.”
I roll my eyes at him. “Kitten? Kitten? Of all the words in the English language you could use as a pet name, which is not necessary by the way, we are not dating, I am not going to date you, why would you choose kitten?”
He gives that shrug again. “Well, when I went back in and asked that girl you work with, Izzy I think, what your name is, she refused to tell me your real name. All she said is “if you’re ever able to land my Femme Fatale, you’ll be the luckiest bastard in Galveston.” So, I assumed somehow you have a thing for old timey black and white crap, and kitten felt very of the time. Am I wrong?”
“While I applaud your deduction and ingenuity, no. I don’t have an old timey thing. Izzy thinks I look like one of those Femme Fatales from movies in the 1940s, so she calls me Femme. It’s more her thing than mine. But it seems to fit so I roll with it. So, no
. Kitten? Unacceptable.” I walk over to a bench near the giant fountain pretending to be a lake on campus. I figure if we’re not really scavenger hunting I might as well rest my haunches.
“She’s not wrong. You’ve got that mysterious, beautiful danger thing going on. Plus, you’re whip smart, have a sass-mouth and give as good as you get. It’s a good nickname.” Wilder sits down next to me and watches me watch the water.
“Right, so, what about you? You’re Mr. 20 questions over here, what should I know about my present and future stalker?”
“Well. You’ve already jumped to the conclusion I’m rich. You’re not incorrect there, but I don’t plan to live my life off my parents’ money. My dad owns Sullivan Aviation, going way back to great grandfathers and all that. I’m a communications major, what that means exactly, who knows. I live off-campus with Kyle, who you are well acquainted, I’m an only child, which likely doesn’t surprise you, and you should expect this to not be the last time I ask you out. I’ll keep asking until you agree, and I tend to get what I want. Ya know, being a trust fund only child, it’s pretty stereotypical behavior really.” He taps my chin with his knuckle so I turn my head to look him in the eyes. “And you might be surprised that I’m not at all illiterate and am, in fact, quite intelligent. And to answer yesterday’s question. I think that while Orwell might have won the poll that day, Huxley actually had a greater understanding of what the future might hold if science and society’s quiet desire to give up some of their choices to make their day to day a little bit easier continued on the path it has. He’s not that far off base, if you take out some of the dramatics.” He nudges my chin again with his finger, which gives me goosebumps. Since we’re in Texas in August, he knows I’m not cold. He grins when he sees the effect he’s having on me. “See, I’m not exactly the person you thought, am I?”
I take a deep breath and as I open my mouth to answer I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and see Blake and Riley walking up the path towards the bench I’m on. I check my phone. How the hell is it one already? I was supposed to be home by now to meet my dad and the guys for lunch. “Hey guys! Sorry, lost track of time. How did you find me?”
Wilder grabs my hand as I start to stand. I look down at him. “Go out with me. You know you want to.”
I smile down at him. “You gotta work harder than that, kitten.” I give him a wink and head towards Riley and Blake.
The guys are steps away from the bench and Blake gives a quizzical look to Riley then to Wilder then back to me. “Uh, hey. We looked for you at the orientation thing but some guy said to check around here. We were just headed to your house for the lunch with your dad. You’re still coming right?” Blake asks.
I turn and face Wilder. “Oh REALLY? The orientation guy told you to come HERE to find me? Well, Mr. Sullivan, how might he know we’d happen upon this place? This couldn’t possibly have been some sort of elaborate plan, right?” Wilder gives me a small wink and stands from the bench.
Riley smiles and trains his eyes on Wilder, clearly recognizing him from yesterday. “He behaving himself today, East?” He says it loud enough that Wilder can obviously hear him from where he’s standing about ten feet away.
Blake comes to stand next to me while Riley continues his stare down. I laugh at the over dramatic exchange. “Oh, him? Yeah, we’re cool. He tells me I got my claws into him with my natural charm and exuberant personality. Just letting him down easy…for now.”
Wilder smiles when he hears the last two words of my statement, and that causes Blake to throw his arm over my shoulder and turn me towards the path leading away from the water. Riley joins me on the other side and also tosses his arm around my shoulders. I make a small grunt, since these two seem to forget their combined body mass exceeds that of a normal human. I don’t shrug them off, though. Besides my dad and Tassie, they’re the closest thing I have to family.
After slinking out of my dad’s office/man cave to eat my pizza in the kitchen, my pocket buzzes with a text from Izzy.
IZZY: FEMME! Grant’s in town. have to pick him up for the party. can you catch a ride with one of the gods?
That’s what Izzy calls the footballers. The gods. She’s not too far off, really, not that I’d ever tell them that. So I text back.
ME: Grant your bro? No sweat, can’t wait to meet the other Michaels. Lemme check with the boys and I’ll hit you back.
Izzy talks about her big brother a lot at work. Apparently, he’s a gorgeous guy that she’s both idolized and hated for most of her life. Their relationship seems strange to me, but who am I to talk. It’s always just been me and my dad against the world. I don’t know what a sibling relationship SHOULD look like outside of what I see on TV.
IZZY: If that’s a no go, let me know and we’ll figure it out!
Speaking of the devils, Riley, Blake, Paul and Simon emerge from downstairs, probably to grab a third round of pizza. I know there’s no way they’re done strategizing and taping.
“East! I’ve missed you! When are you coming back to watch us sweat it out at training?” Paul beams at me as he rushes over to give me a hug. He was downstairs when I got home, and outside of seeing me pop down to say hello to my dad, and apologize for Riley and Blake’s lateness, it’s been a bit since I’ve seen the guy.
“Pauline. Good to see you again. And while there’s nothing I love more than watching a bunch of handsome gentlemen such as yourselves sweat, my dad has insisted on my “socializing” to, ya know, make people other than you brood like me.” I flash a smile at the four of them. “He doesn’t understand you’re already more than enough for a girl to handle.”
Simon grabs another slice of pizza and folds it in half. “Darlin' you are free to handle me all you want.”
Three hands smack the back of his head followed by a chorus of "watch yourself”, “show some respect” and my own “ew”.
I lower my voice and shoot a glance over to Riley. “Hey, you mentioned the party tonight. I told Izzy I'd go, but she’s gotta grab her brother before and asked if I could catch a ride with one of you guys. I’m staying at her place afterwards, so you don’t have to play keeper, I just need to get there. You said you were going, but if you’re not, no worries.”
Riley nods. “Yeah, we’re all going. You kidding me, first party of the year, of course we’re showing up. East, you don’t ever have to ask, you know I’ve always got you. I’ll be here at what, nine to grab you?”
I put my head briefly on his shoulder. “Sounds great. Thank you, by the way. I don’t mean to wreck your style.”
Blake tsks me and shakes his head. “I mean, not to step too far out of line here, but a bunch of guys walking anywhere with a hot girl only ups our cred and desirability factor. So even if we DIDN’T love you, you would definitely not be wrecking our style.”
I smile at his compliment, and take a deep breath. I’ve needed to say something since I stepped foot on campus as a new freshman, and now’s the time. “Look, fellas. In all seriousness…hey, Simon, put down the pizza for a minute.” I glare at Simon who drops the slice and gives me an apologetic smile. “You know you are the only men I’ve ever truly loved. Even including Dad. He’s okay, but I haven’t been able to say those three little words yet.” They laugh, but know me well enough to know I’m stalling and nervous about what their reaction might be to what I say next.
“But really, thank you for looking out for me, walking me places, taking me places, dropping me off, being there…it’s meant a lot and I’m not sure I deserve it. But, I’ll say this once and then I’ll drop it since I don’t want to be all girly and unintentionally insulting. Okay. You don’t have to keep babysitting me if you don’t want. I know it was different when I was in high school and I was really only around for some practices and games, and it wasn’t a time commitment on your part. But now, I’m here, and I’m around, and not to be self deprecating, but I’m no one and you guys are gods
around here. Please, do not feel like you have to watch out for me or take care of me or whatever. I honestly don’t know how the whole thing got started, I don’t know if my dad told you guys to look out for me or made you run suicide drills or something, but you don’t have to keep doing it. I want you to enjoy all this college crap and parties and bimbos and being important, and I don’t need to factor into how you guys live. I never want any of you to feel obligated to be something you don’t want to be, and definitely don’t want you to end up resenting me like I’m some kid you’ve gotta take care of.” I look around at the group who all have different levels of scowls on their faces. Not sure that went down like I expected it to. “Okay, so that’s my piece. I’m done now.”
Riley speaks up first and places his hands squarely on my shoulders. He leans down so he's staring directly into my eyes. “Easton Constantine Collins.”
I interrupt, “Not my middle name.”
Riley sighs, “Shut up. I want to be sure you get this into your stubborn head so this doesn’t have to come up again. I think I speak for the whole team, but I definitely speak for myself, that I have never once considered you a burden or thought you were cramping my style. Legit, you are the coolest chick I know, and I don’t regret a single second that I spend hanging with you. I don’t do things I don’t want to do, and I would be a really, really terrible babysitter, so if you could not put that label on me, that’d be great.” He smiles at me and smacks a kiss on my forehead as he stands. “You’re my girl. I don’t trust anyone other than these guys to be sure no one steps to you. So shut that crap down, and know there isn’t gonna be a day when we feel like you’re a kid we have to watch out for. You’re not a kid. Haven’t really ever been, in my opinion. So…that filled my emotional quota for the year. Anyone else have anything to say?”